How Can You Increase Personalization and Efficiency with TheLoops AutoQA

By Loops · 29 March, 2024

In our last blog, we talked about how Quality Assurance for customer support has come a long way thanks to the rise and adoption of GenAI.

Today, we’re focusing on the specific features TheLoops Auto QA has to make your life as a Support Manager more efficient and impactful.

In providing you with real-time insights on quality gaps, as well as the strengths across 100% of your Support interactions, you can quickly focus on delivering exceptional support for your customers and identifying immediate coaching opportunities for your team.

At TheLoops, one of our key features to help you navigate root causes and quickly close the areas where agents are falling short is our Agent Scoring and Coaching feature. More on that below.

A Preview of What’s To Come

  • Why Auto QA, powered by GenAI, is one of the fastest growing use cases in customer support
  • The top 5 features of TheLoops Auto QA which increase your CX delivery and efficiency
  • A Real-World Customer Example of TheLoops Auto QA’s Benefits

Why Auto QA is the fastest growing use case of GenAI in customer support

  • Increased efficiency: Powered by NLP and GenAI, Auto QA can analyze large amounts of data much faster than humans performing manual QA can–allowing for quicker identification of trends and issues.
  • Scalability: Auto QA can handle increasing volumes of tickets/interactions without the need for additional staff or headcount, making it a cost-effective solution for growing businesses.
  • Pinpointed personalization: The GenAI in Auto QA provides customized feedback and summarizations for managers and agents based on individual performance, tone, empathy, even procedure adherence, helping teams improve their skills and customer service delivery much faster.
  • Learning from historical cases: Auto QA can access at least 1.5 to two years worth of data which helps AI models learn your support patterns and improve predictions and recommendations.
  • Predicted CSAT: Traditional CSAT is limited to who completes your survey which is often a very small and varied sample size–14% on average. On the other hand, Predicted CSAT, a unique feature of TheLoops Auto QA, uses real-time sentiment from every support interaction to help you gauge a much more statistically significant, scaled view on customer satisfaction immediately as each case closes.
  • Bot Governance: Auto QA helps ensure your bot responses meet your Support standards highlighting inaccuracies and hallucinations immediately.
TheLoops automated quality assurance relies on GenAI and NLP to help Support teams QA 100% of customer support interactions and improve CSAT

How TheLoops Auto QA helps you increase efficiency

1. Real-time feedback

If you think of traditional quality assurance for customer support, most of the “quality assurance” happens long after the interaction ends. Data is often lagging by the time a reviewer can select the tickets, review them against your rubric and present findings and analysis to the team.

At TheLoops AI, we make this entire process and the insights available in real-time. Scores are immediately generated when each Support interaction closes, providing managers with the ability to push notifications and alerts to Slack or, easily login and see trends, reports and visualizations within TheLoops platform.

Whenever there’s something that TheLoops spotlights as negative—you have the information you need to understand what didn’t go well, why, across how many agents and in turn, provide coaching right away to upskill your team and rectify any mistakes.

Take for example, empathy. One of the signals TheLoops allows you to customize and monitor via GenAI is an assessment on whether or not the agent is showing empathy to the customer.

The image below highlights a sample of what else you can track with TheLoops.

2. Robust Automated Quality Assurance scoring

The usual process of QA scoring is a QA analyst picking up hundreds tickets or so from the pool of thousands. Oftentimes, this selection is randomized leaving gaps in the variety of interactions. The process also entails reading or monitoring each interaction one by one, manually scoring them, then populating results in Google Sheets, Email or Slack.

Industry survey data on a sample size of 4,000 agents/support professionals reflected that 50% used these very tools and processes described above for review.

This method has tons of fallacies:

  • The person reviewing the interactions can be biased towards any particular agent—leading to inaccurate scoring
  • It’s extremely time consuming and cumbersome
  • Due to fatigue and burnout, the analysts might overlook any details which can result in wrong scores
  • Analysts can take weeks to go through the interactions and score the agents, which delays the feedback process, leading to ongoing problems and compounding negative impact for the customers

With TheLoops Auto QA Scoring, this all gets overhauled and replaced. Since our AI is low-code, no code and not a black box, we help you:

  • Choose and input the signals (quantitative or qualitative) that matter to you in terms of support
  • Set customized rubrics and commands that tell our AI what to do
  • Select weightage for scoring. Our out of the box buckets for scoring entail procedure, right tone and empathy
  • Evaluate and give you the scores, both good and bad, that tell you your top performing agents and low performing agents

As a north star and benchmark, we advise our clients to aim for a quality score of 80+ overall. Again, this is 100% of your Support interactions. From here on out, you can officially say goodbye to missing data and insights.

Best of all, this real-time visibility and actionable data is that simple to obtain! No more waiting for weeks on feedback, scores or uncovering quality gaps.

3. Customized coaching sessions

Historically, if one of your agents has received a score below 30 consistently for 30-60 days, they may either be on the edge of quitting or being let go. There would be a performance review, an improvement plan and opportunity to track the progress but the damage to the company and customer would be too late.

The better option is to identify the root cause immediately and quickly design a coaching plan within days! TheLoops Auto QA will help you quickly see where the agent lacked against what factors (procedure, tone, empathy, etc).

With real-time scoring, manual QA checks as a stop gap. Also, with GenAI to help you summarize things quicker, your coaching sessions are expedited, data-driven and available for the agent to see how they can improve further.

4. Multiple Tech Integrations For Auto QA

Here are few of the Auto QA integrations we want to highlight:

  • Salesforce– Sync customer data between Salesforce and TheLoops to ensure support agents have access to the most up-to-date information, including customer profiles, billing history, and interaction logs.
  • Zendesk– Integrate Zendesk with TheLoops to sync tickets across both platforms and access its knowledge base within TheLoops to quickly find and share relevant information and solutions with customers, reducing resolution times.
  • Kustomer– Sync all of your conversations from Kustomer’s dashboard with TheLoops to manage all your chats real-time from one place and quickly resolve the tickets.
  • Intercom-Integrate Intercom with TheLoops to manage real-time customer chats and conversations directly. This helps with immediate engagement with customers and you can quickly resolve their queries or issues.

5. Come for The QA, Stay For The Platform

TheLoops was built by AI experts with Support, Success and CX teams in mind. We wanted to provide AI that would break the reliance on multiple point solutions, be quick to deploy and have extensible use cases.

As companies grow and your Support and Success needs evolve, TheLoops is flexible and easy to add on. For example, we have seen customers start with our tagging and routing features or AI Agent Copilot only to deploy Auto QA or Prediction of Escalation next.

How TheLoops Auto QA helped KOHO save $400k

If what you’re reading sounds too good to be true, we’ll highlight this quick case study.

KOHO, a prominent Fintech company, previously relied on manual processes, limited quality assurance insights, and unclear case drivers while managing a high volume of conversations.

With TheLoops QA, they reduced the number of interactions by 11%, increased their QA coverage from 1% of interactions QA’d to 100% — and achieved a cost savings of $400k.

Wrapping Up

Choosing the right Auto QA technology for your organization is easier said than done. However, unlike most other solutions available, we didn’t just add AI, we built the technology from ground up to make your customer support operations 10x more efficient.

By predicting Customer Satisfaction (CSAT) for every interaction without relying on customer surveys, TheLoops streamlines the feedback process and also provides you with immediate information that would normally take weeks if done manually.

TheLoops also predicts and prevents escalations before they happen and cost you any potential revenue. This proactive stance on customer service not only improves the experience for your customers but also significantly reduces any chances of customer churn.

These advanced features underscore the value of TheLoops in the Auto QA space, promising not just to react to customer needs but to anticipate and address them, setting a new standard for customer support excellence. If you’re looking to redefine your approach to customer support, and you want to understand more about this—set up a demo here. We’d love to show you TheLoops Auto QA first-hand.

Frequently Asked Questions About TheLoops

1. What does TheLoops look at for Auto QA?

TheLoops Auto QA has 40 OOTB rubrics across three key areas:

  • Technical proficiency
  • Process adherance
  • Soft skills (empathy, grammar, etc)

Each category has specific criteria and descriptions of expectations that contribute to effective customer service. This comprehensive evaluation framework ensures that the agent provides high-quality service, maintains professionalism, and adheres to operational procedures.

2. Does TheLoops actually grade every ticket?

TheLoops Auto QA grades every ticket but you can choose to filter out certain ticket types if you want.

3. What percentage of tickets do our customers manually QA?

With TheLoops Auto QA, some customers still like to manual QA tickets–typically less than 5%.

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