More Than One Way To Understand Backlog
TheLoops backlog management is cutting edge yet easy to use. Upgrade your approach from tracking backlog via static system of record reporting or Google sheets. Our Kanban view aligns Support and Engineering on what matters most: customers, sentiment, revenue at risk, SLA breaches, anything you need.

Never Miss At Risk Cases
With hundreds or thousands of tickets in the backlog, you’ll never have to guess which ones are close to churn or nearing the breaking point. Sentiment Analysis and Impact score–included with each customer–helps you hone in and start where attention is a must.

Strength In Numbers
TheLoops swarming capabilities unite multiple agents based on skill with subject matter experts to resolve complex cases quicker–keeping backlog volumes low and customers happy.

Operational Efficiency Gain

We are using AI based insights on our Support data which helps my managers get ahead of Support backlog. They are also able to pass these insights along to our Product team.
Greg Giletto
Head of Customer and Product Support, Global