Putting The “Experience” Back in Customer Experience

By Loops · 19 July, 2023

Reduction in headcount has forced Support and Success teams to realize just how reliant they are on manual, time consuming processes. 

For example, we’ve all heard of Success teams feverishly logging into ticketing solutions to try and understand specifics around customer issues and health. Or conversely, Support managers doing data dumps to try and understand topics and issues causing escalations–which can take up to 30+days. 

Reactive work and data silos are catching both teams completely off guard especially as it pertains to customer renewals and retention.  

In today’s economy, not only are these practices unscalable–they’re unnecessary thanks to AI. According to McKinsey, generative AI and other technologies will automate work activities that absorb 60 to 70 percent of employees’ time today. 

And on August 15th at 10:00 am PST, we’ll have two experts in the Support and Success space share their thoughts on AI and what’s next for the future of Customer Experience as a result.  

Adrian from CX (CXChronicles) and Hosam from Support (PartnerHero) have 22 years combined experience in Customer Support and Success. They’ve worked across Zendesk, Salesforce, and ChurnZero–to name a few. 

During This Fireside Chat, Here’s What We’ll Cover:

  • What Adrian and Hosam think about AI’s potential & impact on productivity
  • How automation will help facilitate better customer experiences complete with personalized support, faster resolutions and empathy
  • AI’s impact on other teams involved downstream
  • How the roles of Support and Success will change customer relationships for the good 

Bring your questions, too!

About Hosam HassanAt 30, I started a one-person business, while working full-time, that I would later sell for multiple six figures. Today, I’m the Director of Strategy for PartherHero, a 2,500-person outsourcing company.

I’m most excited about software and services built for CX teams, advising and investing in founders of tiny businesses, and learning as much as I can about sales and marketing.

About Adrian Brady-Cesana: I have been working in Customer Experience, Customer Success, Customer Service, Sales, Marketing and Sales Operations Management and Consulting for 15+ years. I spend much of my time working with our amazing clients at CXC helping them optimize the Four CX Pillars within their businesses. I’m also the host of of a top 10 CX/CS Business podcast called The CXChronicles Podcast, a weekly show that interviews customer focused business leaders from across the world. Lastly I have a book on Amazon, check it out now to learn more it’s called “The Four CX Pillars To Grow Your Business Now — The Customer Experience Playbook”.

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